Please respect the rules for using our glamping accommodation units at Parque de Campismo Lima Escape Empreendimentos Turísticos, Lda.

  • The guest is responsible for the good condition of the accommodation’s utensils and equipment.
  • Any damage caused to the accommodation during the stay will be the responsibility of the guest. If any equipment is broken or damaged, please inform Reception immediately.
  • Any problems or anomalies found in the accommodation’s equipment should be reported to Reception.
  • Pets are prohibited from using the sofa, cushions, blankets and other equipment in the accommodation.
  • Pets may not be left alone in the accommodation.
  • Smoking is prohibited inside the accommodation.
  • We recommend using the air conditioning in moderation (minimum 19 degrees in summer and maximum 23 degrees in winter).
  • We offer one basket of firewood per stay. If you want more, you can always buy more wood at our reception for an additional charge (5 euros per basket).
  • When using the fireplace, avoid opening doors and windows to avoid losing heat and wasting wood.
  • Plastic and other unsuitable materials may not be placed inside the fireplace.
  • Turn off the extractor fan and air conditioning when lighting the fireplace.
  • Avoid leaving the air conditioning on when you leave the accommodation.
  • Guests are responsible for cleaning the accommodation during their stay.
  • The guests are to respect the quite hours from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. (no noise, vehicles, etc.).